STORM-BOTS supervisors in receipt of ERC funding

Three STORM-BOTS members have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) this year 2022. It is a recognition of the excellent research they carry out and a great opportunity for STORM-BOTS ESRs to learn and be in contact with the most innovative science.

In this post, we share information on the awardees and their projects.

Alessandro Lucantonio (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna-SSSA)

ERC-Starting Grant ALPS: AI-based Learning for Physical Simulation

The project ALPS aims to devise algorithms that are capable of building mathematical models of physical systems starting from experimental data. The proposed approach combines equation-based modelling and machine learning techniques to produce intelligible models with better generalization capabilities with respect to purely data-driven ones. The general-purpose methods and algorithms developed in this project will contribute to answering the increasing demands for accurate models of complex systems in science and engineering.

Hao Zeng (Tampere University-TAU)

ERC Starting Grant ONLINE: From light fueled self-oscillators to light communicating material networks

In a biological context, communication refers to the interactive behaviour of one organism affecting the current or future behaviour of another. In the context of bioinspired materials, ONLINE will develop life-like material structures that communicate with each other via physical contact, fluidic medium, or optical beams. The core concept behind the communicative materials is self-oscillatory (self-sustained) motions in light-responsive liquid crystal elastomers. The project will scale down the self-oscillator concepts to the micro-scale and realize soft material robots that can communicate.

Arri Priimägi (Tampere University-TAU)

ERC Consolidator Grant MULTIMODAL: Multimodal Sensory-Motorized Material Systems

The MULTIMODAL project aims at developing new materials with autonomous and interactive features by taking inspiration from biological sensory-motor interactions. These sensory-motorized materials will be composed of shape-changing liquid crystal networks responsive to photochemical, (photo)thermal and humidity-triggered activations. These materials will be “trained” to strengthen upon repetitive action and to mechanically adapt to different environments. Advanced robotic functionalities of these materials are expected enabling to take inanimate, shape-changing materials closer to motor functions of living species.