Mathis Lagier – ESR 1



Mathis LAGIER joined the STORM-BOTS European Training Network as an Early-Stage Researcher in October 2023. He currently works in the Human and Interactive Materials group at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) pursuing a PhD at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry.

Mathis started his education with a technical degree in Instrumentation & measurement, specialising in Materials & Physico-Chemical Control at Montpellier Institute of Technology (France). After this, he joined the engineering school Grenoble INP Phelma where he completed an MSc in Materials Science and Engineering degree with highest honour. During his last MSc year, he undertook an exchange semester in Lund (Sweden) studying Biomaterials, Packaging technology and development and Polymer Physics. During his studies, he was involved in student life as a member of the student office and international student office.

During his education Mathis has been able to do three internships in laboratory research: One in Montpellier working on microfluidic flowmeters, another one in Prague (Czech Republic) working with vulcanized natural rubber and then his master thesis at the LGP2 in Grenoble. His MSc thesis research focused on new cellulose-based packaging solutions using bioadhesives and ultrasound welding.

Research project: ESR 1 – Electrically driven polymers for active antennae

Smart responsive materials have the potential to provide new functionalities and push the limit of current or new applications since their mechanical or electrical properties are not frozen. In a similar way as liquid crystals (LC) are used for their adjustable optical properties in liquid crystal displays (LCD), upon application of an electric field, the dielectric properties of the LC can be tuned to adjust the interaction of the substrate with radio frequency waves. This project will focus on the assessment, development, synthesis and processing of stimulus-triggered materials based on liquid crystals for communications at radio-frequency. The materials sense and feel. We envision that the communicating materials will channel the interface between human and machine and pave the way towards haptics, 5G communications.

This project will be carried out in close collaboration with a company, SABIC. The STORM-BOTS Consortium consists of 9 high profile research institutions, universities and companies working towards harnessing the full potential of liquid-crystal-based responsive surfaces, soft actuators and smart machines.

The selected ESR will be hired by TU/e and will develop her/his activity at the functional molecules and devices (SFD) group, performing secondments at SABIC and at the University of Cambridge (UK).



Project's dissemination

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