First STORM-BOTS Network-wide symposium

The first network-wide training activity, organised by CSIC,  successfully took place from 23 to 25 February 2022.

It was organised entirely online, structured in two segments:

* Internal, devoted to training sessions for project members only, including collaborative activities, presentations of the ESRs and meetings with the ESR Supervisory Teams.

* Open, entirely dedicated to training activities for project members and external attendees. Renowned invited speakers and members of the STORM-BOTS consortium offered lectures and courses covering topics related to different aspects of LC-based soft robotics research and transversal issues of significant relevance to scientific research:

Wednesday 23rd, 2022
16:00-17:00  Prof. Christopher Bowman (University of Colorado, USA)
17:00-18:00 Responsive Materials: Developing a Supramolecular Chemistry Platform: from Odour Management to Therapeutic Delivery. Dr Andrew Howe (Aqdot, UK)

Thursday 24th, 2022
09:00-10:00 History of Reactive Mesogens. Prof. Dick Broer (TU/e, The Netherlands)
10:00-11:00 Gender and Science. Prof. Francisca Puertas (CSIC, Spain)
11:30-12:30 Building a Culture of Research Integrity. Dr Rhys Morgan (University of Cambridge, UK)
12:30-13:15 Course. A Chemical View of Liquid Crystal Elastomer Materials. Dr Jesús del Barrio (University of Zaragoza, Spain)
15:00-15:45 Course. Design and Formulation of Reactive Mesogen Mixtures. Prof. Dick Broer (TU/e, The Netherlands)
15:45-16:30 Course. Advanced Manufacturing of LC Materials. An overview of advanced polymer processing techniques. Dr Carlos Sánchez Somolinos (CSIC, Spain)

These have been three very intense and fruitful days for the ESRs and all the Network members, and we are happy to have offered high-quality and free training to the invited attendees of the lectures and courses in the open segment of the symposium.

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