Tommaso visits the Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa during his secondment at CSIC

Tommaso (ESR-13 at PRECEYES) has visited the Ophthalmology Department of the Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa in Zaragoza, to see first-hand surgical procedures. Tommaso was kindly hosted by CSIC collaborator Dr. Francisco Javier Lara Medina, a vitro-retinal surgeon at this Hospital. Tommaso tells us more about his visit in this post: “It has been an […]

STORM-BOTS members at the ILCEC2023!

STORM-BOTS members participated in the International Liquid Crystal Elastomer Conference 2023 (ILCEC2023) which took place at the University of Colorado Boulder, US, from 8 to 11 October 2023. Paolo (ESR4), Lovish (ESR5), Michal (ESR7) and Zixuan (ESR11) presented their research at the conference with talks and posters. STORM-BOTS supervisors Arri Priimägi and Hao Zeng (TAU), […]

Mid-term Check meeting

On April 20th the STORM-BOTS partners and ESRs celebrated the Mid-Term Check meeting with the corresponding REA Project Officer. Although it could not be held in person, it was an opportunity to establish a constructive dialogue that has resulted in really useful feedback for all the participants.  

Lab tour at Preceyes for network members

Tommaso (ESR-13) with his supervisor Maarten Beelen hosted a visit to the premises of Preceyes BV for the STORM-BOTS members at Eindhoven, to converge on instrumentation ideas for the project, providing insight about the Preceyes Surgical System and Vitreo-Retinal surgery. Eliza (ESR-1), Mert (ESR-8) and Prof. Dick Broer from the TU/e, and Giulia (ESR-12) from […]